High heels have become an integral part of women’s wardrobe now-a-days. It might make you look trendy and stylish but the experts have proved that wearing high heels often may lead to several complications.
According to study by Stanford University, wearing high heels for extended periods of time can cause serious problems like arthritis or require you to have a knee replacement surgery. To prove this, scientists have scanned the knees of healthy woman as they walked at a normal place in flat shoes, with 1.5 inch helps and 3.5 inch heels. They found that the knees of women who wear high heels are held in awkward, bent position causing the joints damaged and also increased the risk of osteoarthritis.
As the entire body weight is concentrated on high heels, most of the women suffer from foot pain after walking with high heels. It also affects spine and your natural posture. So, it is better to walk your way with normal flat footwear.
By Lizitha