North East natives have been facing a lot of commotion and feeling of insecurity since the violence of he communal riots has apparently spread to many major metropolitan cities and other big cities in India like Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai and Hyderabad. Many natives of the sister states have been feeling insecure with the assailants on the prowl.
There were numerous stray incidents of attacks in the nation after the riots in Mumbai recently. A few of the victims have fled to their hometowns, a few of them had endured the attacks and are waiting for the nightmare to pass while a few others are defiant and decide to stay put in the city.
In the Bangalore news, it has been understood that the students are avoiding areas like Annapalya, Neelsandra, Austin Town, Ejipura and Koramangala. Few people had been threatened by assailants who were armed with knives while few others had brawled with their bare fists.
The North East students who had come to the cities to get their education had said that they were often inquired if they were from Assam. Even if they said they belonged to other neighboring states in the sister states, they were assaulted.
San, also from Nagaland, who was attacked a few days ago said, "I won't go back; I just have to be alert. I've warned my friends too."
Shatlien, a Manipuri, had also been intercepted and beaten up. Both of them had not registered FIR as they feared that the people would attack them again.
Ningkhan, also Manipuri was not very lucky. He was confronted by a group of 4-5 people who asked him if he was from Assam. When he said he was from Manipur, they ceased to listen to him calling him a liar. They violently attacked him, breaking bottles on his head. He also had not approached the police since he didn't want the matter to proceed further.
With the haters on the prowl, and the notion behind the ideas not very clear, it is always safe to seek the help from the government and the police. The police in all the affected cities had said that they were willing to assist and provide protection to the North East students who had come to the cities to chase their dreams.
In such sensitive times, it would be wise to ask the police for extra protection and stay under their vigilant patrol.
(AW- Anil)