United Kingdom has unveiled toughened laws to curb immigration to the country, major reforms to crack down on illegal immigrants and breaches of UK visa rules. Speaking at the Institute for Government in London, UK Prime Minister David Cameron announced a number of initiatives to toughen the UK's approach to immigration, including new British citizenship criteria and harsher stance of family migration sorts and other UK visa breaches.
The text of the prime minister's key immigration speech confirms that he wants to attract the brightest and best to Britain in such a manner that the newcomers are in possession of enough money to avoid depending on the country’s comprehensive welfare system. He said an approach that ensures a hard-headed selection of genuinely talented individuals based on our national interest, people who will really contribute to this country and drive the economic growth on which we all depend.
Britain’s Conservatives want to cut short the net immigration from more than 200,000 people per year to a few tens of thousands. He said curbing was imminent as when large numbers of people arrive in new neighbourhoods perhaps not able to speak the same language as those living there perhaps not always wanting to integrate, perhaps seeking simply to take advantage of our NHS, paid for by our taxpayers there is a discomfort and a tension in some of our communities.
He further added the country needs the investors and the entrepreneurs who will create the businesses and jobs of tomorrow and the scientists who will help keep Britain at the heart of the greatest advances in medicine, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing and communications.
He concluded that it’s when we are getting the right people we need for our economy and when all those who come here do so for genuine reasons and join with the rest of society in making our country stronger, richer and more secure. That’s the kind of immigration I want. And that’s the kind of immigration this government will deliver.
So in nutshell Briton wants people who would add value to their economy and who would not burden the system as a liability. To ensure this stricter laws have been spelled out. So now a UK visa is going to be a little harder.