Even as the DMK declared the arrested former communications minister Mr A. Raja innocent and the special court granted five day custody of Raja, his former personal secretary R K Chandolia and the former telecom secretary Siddharth Behura to CBI for further interrogation, Behura has expressed his readiness to turn approver of sorts in the 2G Spectrum scandal that rocked the nation.
Behura’s lawyer informed the court that he was ready to disclose to the CBI everything he knows of the scam. When the three were produced before the special court Thursday evening after their arrest on Wednesday, Raja’s lawyer opposed the custody plea saying he was innocent while the counsel for Behura did not put up any objection. Rather, Behura’s counsel SS Gandhi said that his client was ready to cooperate with the CBI and disclose the details of the scam as known to him.
Till date, Raja remained evasive and chose not to reply to some of the queries of the CBI. During interrogation, Raja answered only those questions which were comfortable to him while he evaded answers to all uncomfortable questions.
CBI now plans to confront Raja during the five day custody with the details it is collecting from Behura.