The BJP former president and former union leader, Bangaru Laxman was found guilt of accepting one lakh rupees bribe more than a decade ago. He was convicted by a Delhi court following which he was shifted to Tihar Jail. The bribe episode was recorded in a sting operation by the news portal
The court has reserved its quantum of punishment, which will be pronounced tomorrow. The Special Judge Vinod Kumar has said that prima facie it appears that the accused accepted the bribe. Tehelka released the tapes and photographs on its website on March 13, 2001 following which the court ordered Laxman to face the trial. The major breakthrough in the case took place when the private secretary of Laxman at the time of the sting operation, turned as the approver in 2011 and said Bangaru Laxman accepted one lakh rupees from a Tehelka reporter who was in guise of fake arms distributor.
Further, Satyamurthy has said that the balance four lakh rupees should be made timely. The footage was shows across almost all news channels in 2001 and Bangaru Laxman was BJP removed him from the president post.
The entire country is excited to know as to what punishment is Bangaru Laxman going to get. (Phani)