The incident of 62 infants died in just ninety days at a private hospital in Srinagar has come into light recently. Blame it the poor infrastructure or the negligence of doctors, GB Pant pediatric hospital has literally become a death trap to the younger ones who wait eagerly to enter the world at this hospital.
When asked as to why so many deaths in such a short span, the doctors pin point at the overload. While twenty to 30 ventilators are required in the Intensive Care Unit, the available number of ventilators are just five.
It may be noted that a person Amin requested the government to save babies at this hospital while he had to carry the dead body of his two-day-old infant from the hospital. Everyone present at the hospital reportedly broke into tears on looking at the sight of little baby lying dead.
The medical superintendant at GB Pant hospital, Jaweed has said that they need more trained staff and equipment in order to put a check to the infant deaths at their hospital. Irrespective of whatever measures the government or doctors take, will they be able to repair the damage caused to the kin of the dead babies? A rhetorical question! (Phani)