24 hours have not passed since the border management discussions have been concluded, in which Pakistan refused to have provided any support to the terrorists, Abu Jundal's confessions have revealed the opposite. Jundal revealed crucial indormation related to the Mmbai attacks in 2008.
The Lashkar terorist has admitted that an officer in the ISI, Pak's militiary intelligence agency, has supplied them with 2 cartons filled to the brim with cartridges which were used in 26/11 attacks.
Jundal has been in the custody of the Delhi police after the Suadi Arabia airport officials have deported him. Mohd. Sameer was the officer who had supplied the ammo he revealed. He also told the interrogators that he was in Karachi in a control room co-ordinating ten terrorists and directing them in the massacre on 26/11 which killed 166 people in the open firings. Information regarding many other ISI officers has also been extracted.
A camp Bait-ul-Mujahideen near Muzaffarabad was used to train the ones who carried out the killings in Mumbai. Major Sameer had dropped two cartons of cartridges at this camp site to be used in Mumbai by the terrorists.
Jundal reported that after a raid on the control room in Karachi, they were asked to leave. Lashkar Commander Zaki-ur- Rehman Lakhvi was arrested and another handler Muzammil who was directing the men in Mumbai is now the Chief of Lashkar. Muzammil introduced Jundal to Colonel Hamza of ISI in Muzaffarabad who ensured that Jundal was not arrested. Also he could visit Lakhvi with the help of Muzammil which indicates that the arrests were clearly namesake and the plotters of 26/11 could still communicate and remain in touch.
AW- Anil