The key player in the Liberalization of the Indian Economy, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had been labeled by the Time magazine as the “Underacheiver”. According to the magazine he “is unwilling to take up the challenge” of reviving the growth of the country, actively. In the exact words published in ink, “He is unwilling to stick his head out”.
Singh had been featured on the latest cover of Time, Asian edition, posing candidly for the camera. The title overshadowing the potrait of Singh reads “The Underachiever – India needs a reboot”.
The report in Time by the title “A Man in Shadow” questions the capability of the Prime Minister to lead the county on to the parth of growth. It also raised several questions regarding the mammoth of a fiscal deficit, the falling rupee value and the slowdown in the economic growth of the country. The UPA led by the congress party had been avoiding the corruption scandals and was pointed out at not having any particular economic growth.
The magazine said that the investors of the country are losing the enthusiasm. The same is the effect in the voters, who were disheartened with the scandals and inflation that have reduced the credibility of the government.
The magazine also pointed its finger at the fall of the PM from his grace. His confidence levels in the last 3 years were found to be reducing gradually. He no longer is able to control the ministers under him. He is unwilling to stick his neck out in issues related to the liberalisation of the economy which he had embarked on previously.
The magazine had rightly said that the bills that ensure the growth of economy are suck at the Parliament and the politicians also are more concerned about the short term minor developments clearly indicating that they are only populist to gain votes for the next term.
AW- Anil