To what extent perversion lead one too, is an example of case that had brought the plight of women in a village near Madurai. Five men who were also residents of the same village installed spy cameras in bedrooms of the villagers and recorded the clippings when the women used the rooms. Disgrace to the society, yet they are only arrested for eve teasing, as the victims are tight lipped over the incident, as per a media reports.
The accused were locals who were well known in the village and entered the households on pretexts of petty jobs and installed the cams. Infact recently two girls were saved from a suicide bid and then the village veterans understood the whole problems. Probably after making the clippings, the girls would have been pestered by the advances of the accused. The police have arrested four of them and the fifth is absconding.
The sex scandal, if probed deeply would reveal more, about the case. However the villagers wanted to suppress the actual reasons, fearing to be castigated by other villages of the area. Already three of the arrested had been ostracized by the village elders. The tip of the iceberg was spotted when one of the accused was watching a porn on his mobile. The villagers immediately knew that the clippings was one of their own village girls. They immediately grilled him and he confessed that alongwith four others they planted spy cams in several homes. Pathetic atrocity! (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)