Oops, wrong number officer!

September 12, 2012 18:56
Oops, wrong number officer!

Idaho drug dealer had landed himself in trouble after he had unsuspectingly texted a police officer without knowledge trying to make a deal to sell methamphetamine, a narcotic drug.Detectives had immediately reacted and arrested the man while he had been trying to sell his stash.

Police in Lewiston arrested 37-year-old Aaron D Templeton Wednesday on suspicion of conspiracy to deliver methamphetamine.

According to the court, one police detective had received a text on Wednesday morning regarding a crack deal which asked if he knew anyone would buy drugs. After confirming it was not a prank from his colleagues he had asked the man to meet so he could give him the $150 for a bulk purchase of meth.

Templeton was arrested when he arrived at the designated meeting place. Text to the wrong number saves the day for the Police.

(AW- Anil)

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