Eve Teasing has been a problem in the whole country. Few miscreants do it for fun and for sake of domination while a few others have lust lurking beneath the sinful acts. Whatever the reason might be the number has always been unacceptably high for a safe commute for a girl anywhere in the country. Eve teasers have gone as far as to take extreme steps of acid attacks or even brutally murdering the girl. Such acts have shuddered the girls who usually suppress their angers lest they be killed.
One brave girl from Allahabad had stood up against a spiteful eve teaser who was his neighbor. The girl has roughened him up after he had pestered her subject her to sexually harassment. Not stopping there, she went as far as vandalizing his bike, battering it to pulp with a rock and then set the bike on fire
A news channel had caught the sight of the girl committing the arson and posted it on YouTube which has gone viral. The video shows the girl buffeting the bike with a stone several time destroying the tail lamps, the body and the engine. Later she sets fire to the petrol leaking from the engine which had been damaged which triggered a huge flame that engulfed the bike.
(AW- Anil)