Gujarat Chief Minister, Narendra Modi has challenged the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to compete with him in Gujarat Assembly elections. Modi has spoken after he just finished 11 years of being in the office.
He challenged, "I dare Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to come and have competition with me. You build roads, I also build roads, you build canals and I also do the same, you build hospitals and I build hospitals too. Let the people see it... whoever has done a better job, people will accept him," he said, adding "...but they don't want to have a competition for development with me. They only want to do sloganeering”.
He also said that Gujarat would not be taken “for a ride” any longer after he warned the Delhi Sultanate directing the comment at the UPA and the Congress specifically that Gujarat was no longer under their control.
"I warn Congress, I warn Delhi 'sultanate' that those days are gone when you would take Gujarat for a ride," he said.
He demanded an apology from Sonia Gandhi who has not spoken on the rising inflation issues.
"Did it (Congress before 2009 general elections) not promise to check inflation in 100 days if it came to power? Did the prices go down after they (UPA II) came to power? When Soniaji came to Rajkot, she did not speak anything about inflation. Is this not cheating?" Mr Modi questioned pointing out at her recent visit to Gujarat.
"Soniaji should apologise for cheating the people of the country on the issue of price rise," he added.
Gandhi earlier said that there was no development in Gujarat and any slight development was due to Congress. Thrashing her comments he said that Sonia was ignorant of Gujarat's history making the meaningless statements on the state.
"Of all the chief ministers that the country has seen in the last 60 years, I have suffered maximum injustice at the hands of the Centre," he added
(AW- Anil)