TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu has lashed out at YSR Congress party. He has alleged that YSRC leaders were running politics in the state by sitting in jails. In an elaborate meeting held at Veeraalli of Rangareddy district, Chandrababu Naidu addressed these words to his party activists and leaders. It is known that Babu's padayatra, Vastunna Meekosam, which started on October 2 from Hindupur of Anantapur district, entered Rangaredddy district more than ten days back. People have been welcoming Babu's padayatra in Rangareddy district. After Rangareddy district tour, on Sunday Chandrababu entered Medak district. He was accompanied by his wfe Bhuvaneshwari and son Lokesh earlier.
In the wake of MIM party withdrawing its support from the ruling Congress, Chandrababu Naidu said TDP was ready to face elections at any point of time. Chandrababu further said YSRC leaders should explain to the people as to which good deed their leader Jagan did and went to jail.
(AW Phani)