Ramdev baba has revealed that he is all set to announce a political party as a part of the solution to fight against corruption, months after Arvind Kejriwal did the same to provide a political alternative to the people. The announcement was made in a press conference on Wednesday, where he said he would provide a place in the parliamentary elections to the common man.
He said that ground level workers were being motivated and like-minded people would form the party. He added that he realized that corruption could be erased from the nation only through political routes.
Donning his usual saffron apparel, he accused the UPA government that their government has burdened the common man with taxes and inflation. He was ready to provide the people with a healthy option.
Next in picture was Anna Hazare. After questions of his involvement with the political movement were asked, he said, "we were never apart and coming together again is not a question."
He stressed on the fact that he will not be a candidate or have any position of power in the party. Will his party find a solution to end corruption, black money and social, economic injustice?
(AW- Anil)