With close approximation 2,000 litres of illegitimate cough syrup deserving an evaluated $1,25 million were forcibly grasped in a three-month operation by the authorities. From April to July, the Health Sciences Authority and the Central Narcotics Bureau exposed the codeine-containing syrup from an illegitimate supply chain. As a result of which four Singaporean men have been arrested for the violation. Investigators scrutinized that the 3.8 litre container of cough syrup were brought into Singapore by passing them off as tyre shine, porcelain cleaners and degreasers. While codeine cough syrups are used to treat coughs, they can cause addiction if used with the absence of proper medical superintendence. Another prominent reality is that, if they are consumed in immense amounts can bring about hallucinations as well as force to death.
(AW:Samrat Biswas)