The Congress party contestant from Saharanpur, UP Imran Masood whose hate speech clipping came out and went viral was arrested in the morning today at 4.00 am from his residence.
The Congress Party Vice President Rahul Gandhi is schedueled today to conduct a rally at Saharanpur to campaign for Masood. The rally of Rahul Gandhi is cancelled in the wake of arrest of Masood.
The video clipping shows the part of the speech of Imran Masood that he will chop Modi to pieces. He also said that he will not allow Modi to make it as he did in Gujarat as Gujarat has only 4% of Muslim population whereas UP has 42%.
Masood says that the clipping belongs to a speech delivered by him 8 months ago when he was in Samajwadi Party.
FIR registered by the police shows that Masood violated election code of conduct.
It certainly is a jolt for the Congress party and it should work as an eye opener not for the Congress party but also other parties who in the public meetings go out of bounds in criticizing the leaders of other parties to gain a point in their favor instead earning it on their own merits.