As the exit poll results favoured the Bharatiya Janata Party in Maharashtra Assembly elections, Shiv Sena changed its voice on its former friend. Shiv Sena through its mouthpiece 'Saamana' hinted a possible reunion after the election results.
“There is no need to have arguments or bitterness any more. Hearts have been broken. Though it is difficult to mend broken hearts, Maharashtra needs stability and peace. It is better that we wait for the day of counting,” said the editorial of 'Saamana' on Friday.
Almost all exit polls have predicted that BJP will be the largest party in the 288-member assembly while Shiv Sena is placed second. Few predicted that BJP might get the major figure to form government in the state and in fear to sit in opposition, Shiv Sena is doing its efforts to win back the saffron ally. During the election campaign, Shiv Sena slammed PM Modi over the cease fire violation in Jammu & Kashmir however, BJP was quite silent over them.
Anyways, the results will be out tomorrow and we have to see whether the old friends will reunite or stay away.
(AW: Vamshi)