The Indian Superstar of cinema, Amitabh Bachan is joining the star cast of Baz Luhrmann’s latest magnum opus The Great Gatsby, which began filming in Australia this week. It’s his debut into the Hollywood.
The film is 3D adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald novel, of the same name. The massive projected budget is $125 Million and the Titanic sensation, DiCaprio, shall don the title role.
Amitji is going to play Meyer Wolfsheim, a man with a dark past who helps DiCaprio’s character make money when he first comes to New York after the First World War.
Other cast members for "The Great Gatsby" include Tobey Maguire, Joel Edgerton and Carey Mulligan. The film also features newcomer Elizabeth Debicki. Luhrmann is happy to shoot in his native Australia.
After over four decades of contribution to Indian cinema, Amitabh Bachchan is finally stepping out. In his blog he writes, “Time has been spent well and hopefully judiciously. Days ahead will tell us whether it was fruitful or not.”
The film will be distributed in 3D and 2D by Warner Bros Pictures and in certain territories by Village Roadshow Pictures.