The Sangli sisters live in Pune, in a small house, they are in total six of them. But three of them suffer from a weird disease called the Werewolf syndrome, inherited from their father, who is no more. This is a rare disease that comes to one in a billion and the family is suffering from three already. Savita, 23, Monisha, 18, and 16-year-old Savitri Sangli all three are suffering from hypertrichosis universalis disorder. As per medical science this means that the exterior cells on the body failed to deactivate hair production at unwanted places. This simply means the girls will have ever growth of hair all over their body and if left unattended will have their entire face covered up. The mother Anita Sambhaji Raut says she was forced to marry at twelve, who too possessed the same syndrome.
The girls right now work for a living and for medication. A special cream controls hair growth for 10-15 hours, during which time they complete the work at the employer’s house and quickly return home. Even society has not been kind to them, all through their life they have borne the brunt of criticism from all around. The huge expenses needed for a permanent remedy are out of reach owing to their economical conditions. Unlike in developed world, our government has more things to deal with than looking at the girls needs.
A kind hearted documentary filmmaker Sneh Gupta who recognized their desperate need for surgery is planning a film in a bid to enlighten the need of these girls. May be she will succeed and the girls can get married to lead a normal life too!!! (With inputs from internet: AarKay)