On Monday February 13 an advertisement has come into sight in Mexican website regarding selling a cute baby for its organs which has come out with inhumanity and anger on social networks.
Since the advertisement that come into view on the MercadoLibre website, As they said that "A Cute Baby on sale for organs what all you need to do is needing immediate attention.
And very soon the message was uploaded on Social networking site like Twitter which has became a current topic for many hours.
MercadoLibre website which provided online selling and buying, in a last minute they said that since the advertisement was disappointed from the website and the user has been removed from the community, by the reason we dont accept such messages in our portal.
The advertisement showed the seller to be located in the Mexican capital and set a down payment of 20,000 pesos (around $1,600) and a period of nine days to make an offer.
Twitter users expressed their indignation after a tweeter passed the word about the advertisement.
Users of the social network condemned the offer with tweets like "sickie sells baby and its organs on MercadoLibre" and "They can't do this!
It's outrageous!" and "the filthiest of society sells baby on MercadoLibre".
MercadoLibre online website said that its terms and conditions organized in such a way that "the offer and/or sale of persons, human bodies, corpses, organs, human members or remains are banned".