As the media and the whole Bollywood film industry is eagerly waiting for the Aishwarya-Abhishek Bachchan’s daughter's pic and more over for the name.Now the most recent news is that Aishwarya-Abhi's daughter name to be affirmed and it looks like "Abhilasha"As said by one of the famous writer Shobhaa De who has tweeted this news.Well if that is going to be true then Aishwarya-Abhishek Bachchan’daughter name is "Abhilasha".
In the most recent times Abhishek Bachhan said that "The name for my daughter has almost came to a conclusion and when once my father gets back to home from the hospital we are surely going to declare the name in an official manner.
Now it looks like the name Abhilasha has been affirmed.As Big B Amitabh Bachchan will declare his grand daughter's name formally when he is back from the hospital, Where Big B is recovering from a surgery.However Big B's family is not disclosing any pic of the baby.