The item girl of Bollywood, Rakhi Sawant who wants to be in limelight seems to have not forgotten the Kolavari episode even after she vented out her anger and disappointment before the media.
She made yet another statement on Kolavari Di fame Dhanush. Rakhi Sawant said that Dhanush might have felt threatened that he wouldn’t be able to perform equally with her and that she would presumably overshadow him.
Well, Rakhi Sawant, said she forgave Dhanush since she really liked the Kolavari song. Rakhi Sawant has also said that Dhanush called her up and said he had to cancel the Kolaveri song on stage with her in live only because of time factor but would perform with her in future.
It’s known that Dhanush’s Kolaveri song created a sensation globally the moment the video was released by the film unit on Facebook. It would undoubtedly benefit Rakhi Sawant if she performs with Dhanush over the same song and not the vice versa.
Kolaveri song fans are of the opinion that Rakhi Sawant is creating a fuss out of nothing. She was not denied from taking part in a role that was offered earlier, Dhanush cancelled just a stage performance, they said. (Phani)