Don't you want to know the story of Rifca Stanescu, world's youngest granny? If so, start.
Rifca Stanescu, a mother of two children. Her first child Maria was born when she is 12 years old. She asked her daughter Maria not to follow her example, but Maria gave birth to son Ion when she is 11 years old.
Rifca was 11 and Ionel Stanescu, a jewellery seller, was 13 when they eloped and married. Later, she was forgiven, when she gave birth to Maria.
A year later, Rifca gave birth to a son, Nicolae.
Maria kept aside Rifca's words discontinuing her studies at school.
Maria married when she was ten and had her baby six months later.
Rifca Stanescu hugged grandson Ion, now two and said: "I am happy to be a grandmother but wished more for Maria."
Until now, an unnamed 26 year old from Rotherham, Yorks was the youngest granny from Britain. Her daughter, 12, gave birth in 1999. (msn)