Big B or Bollywood Megastar, Amitabh Bachchan (69) is not well despite his abdominal surgery on February11 and subsequent tests in mid April. The legendary actor will fly to Los Angeles for medical treatment and investigations related to stomach ailment and not signing any assignment before September.
Amitabh Bachchan is undoubtedly a stalwart. In his acting career, people, producers, directors, actors always remember him for his punctuality and dedication to work. His sincerity and integrity reflect his legendaries. He is an incredible man.
Though there is no formal announcement pertaining to his trip from him, the ‘Department’ actor is unwell at regular intervals of time in this year. His abdominal ailment has resurfaced once again. According to the sources, the pain has not subsided.
Let us wish him a speedy recovery. (msn)