With chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy's sudden daily trip has been becoming a topic of the town, what's making people in political circles raise their eye brows is former CM and Governor of Tamil Nadu, Mr K Rosaiah meeting the Congress big wigs. Immediately after Kiran Kumar he met Sonia Gandhi, Gulam Nabi Azad, Ahmed Patel and others, K Rosaiah met Sonia Gandhi and other big wigs giving enough scope for analysts carve out their own speculations about carving out the state. While this could be one of the reasons, some observers were of the opinion that Kiran Kumar elucidated to Congress high command about the arrest of former minister Shankar Rao and other matters pertaining to this.
On the other hand, central minister K Chiranjeevi too met the vice president of AICC, Mr Rahul Gandhi today in Delhi making analysts cross their fingers and toes. Although it was said that Chiranjeevi's discussion was limited to development of tourism, sources said that have been indications that Congress high command has been serious on solving Telangana issue. Let us hope for the best, let us wish that curtains would come down soon on the burning issue in the state, which has been-by and large-hampering the overall development of the state.
(AW Phani)