Mr Sudhakar, congress president of Chittor district from which the chief minister Kirankumar reddy hailed, lodged a complaint with the PCC that the congress MLAs of the district Mr Peddireddy Ramachandra reddy, Ravi, Shajahan and Kutuhalamma worked against the party interests in the legislative council elections held from the district under the quota of local bodies constituencies.
The complaint says that the MLAs held a camp at Bangalore and worked against the interests of the party in the elections. “They worked for the victory of the former Kadapa MP Mr YS Jaganmohan reddy’ party candidates,” the DCC chief said.
It may be mentioned that the former Minister Peddireddy Ramachandra reddy and MLA Kutuhalamma have been openly opposing the leadership of Kirankumar reddy as they were not given ministerial berths in his government.