Chief Minister Kirankumar reddy requested the congress party president Sonia Gandhi to make a quick decision on the issue of Telangana as it would not be good for the party to procrastinate it any further.
He reportedly made this request when he had met her this morning at her residence in Delhi. The CM was also said to have requested her to allow him to take disciplinary action against the congress MLAs hobnobbing with YSR Congress chief YS Jaganmohan reddy.
“Either Telangana or no Telangana, a decision must be taken with out any delay,” Kiran reportedly told her. The CM is also scheduled to meet congress general secretary Mr Rahul Gandhi and defense minister AK Antony today.
Meanwhile, there are reports that the congress party has already made up its mind on the Telangana issue and has reportedly decided to announce the formation of Telangana Development Board with a special economic package and divide the state after two years if the agitation still continued.