Mr Chander Rao, Officer on Special Duty (OSD) at the AP Bhavan in Delhi, today lodged a complaint to the Tilak Nagar police against the TRS leader Mr Harish Rao for beating him up.
In his complaint to the police, Mr Chander Rao said that TRS leader Harish Rao had assaulted him and prevented him from performing his duties as a government official. The officer said that Harish Rao beat him up for performing his duties along with other TRS leaders K. Taraka Rama Rao and Vinod Kumar.
It might be mentioned that Harish Rao, along with other TRS leaders, had gate crashed into the AP Bhavan and questioned the officials’ action in not permitting them to bring the body of Adi reddy, who committed suicide in Delhi on Wednesday for Telangana, into its premises.
During the course of the heated arguments with the officials, Harish Rao assaulted Mr Chander Rao in a fit of rage. The aggrieved employees later resorted to a dharna in AP Bhavan and raised slogans against the TRS leaders.