In a significant development, the Telangana political JAC convener Prof Kodanda Ram said today the JAC activists would not come in the way of the Rachhabanda programme of the Government commencing Nov 2.
Addressing media persons in Hyderabad, Kodanda Ram said they would however obstruct the movements of the Ministers and congress MLAs of the Telangana region as they are not eligible to move in Telangana districts.
The chief minister Mr Kirankumar reddy has announced that the second phase of the Rachhabanda programme will commence on Nov 2. The JAC and TRS cadres had created obstacles for the first phase of the programme launched a few months ago in the Telangana districts.
“We have no intention of creating hurdles to the Rachhabanda programme but we will not allow the T ministers and T congress MLAs to move in Telangana,” he said.
He asked the JAC cadres to question the congress MLAs and ministers on the Telangana issue and not to allow them to move in Telangana towns and villages.
Kodanda Ram has also called upon the T-protagonists to observe Nov 1 as the ‘day of betrayal’ by conducing protest rallies and hoist black flags across Telangana. “The Government is conspiring to weaken the Telangana agitation in the same way as the Centre has been trying to weaken the anti-corruption agitation launched by the Gandhian Anna Hazare,” Kodanda Ram charged, adding that the allegations leveled against TNGO leader Swami Goud are only part of the conspiracy.