The Telangana Joint Action Committee Chairman, Muddasani Kodanda Rama Reddy felt that the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh must clearly spell out his stands on the Telangana issue. This he said while addressing the 2nd anniversary Telangana Housing Board Employees Association on Wednesday at Hyderabad. He also said that during the PM’s proposed visit to the state, he must announce a clear solution to the impending problem of carving a separate Telangana from the erstwhile united Andhra Pradesh. The PM is to visit the state to inaugurate the metro rail project and on the sidelines would participate in other events. Professor Kodandaram wanted the PM to cancel the metro project as it affected many historical structures and faced the dissent of the general public. Mr Kodandaram also released the Diary and the calendar of the association at the occasion.
Later speaking to the journalists said the Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy, Telugu Desam President N Chandrababu Naidu and the YSR Congress Chief Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy are the betrayers to Telangana agitation. He further added the T-JAC would not tolerate if the politicians utilized the T-Stir for electoral gains and later abandoned it. So it is going to be a little tough for the security men while the PM arrives in the state in the first week, next month. (With inputs from the Internet-AarKay)