The special CBI court at Nampally in Hyderabad today ordered 3-day CBI custody for Mr Sunil Reddy, arrested and jailed for his involvement in APIIC-Emaar land scam.
Sunil reddy has been presently lodged in the Chanchalguda jail and the CBI will grill him for three days between 9.30 am and 5.30 pm daily in the presence of his lawyers. The court directed the CBI to produce him before it on Monday.
The CBI told the court that Mr Reddy has been at large for the last two months and they needed to question him to extract information on diversion of the APIIC-Emaar scam funds. “We want to know where the money has gone,” said the CBI in its petition seeking his custody.
The CBI counsel said the Emaar money has gone to an individual and the details of the individual must be collected as part of the investigation into the Emaar scam.
On the other hand, the counsel for Sunil Reddy told the court the CBI has been trying to protect Koneru Prasad and Ranga Rao in the Emaar land scam case. (JUBS)