The incarcerated Kadapa MP Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy who has been remanded to judicial custody is the Khaidi no: 6093 in Chenchalguda Central Prison, Hyderabad. On Thursday morning on his third day at the prison, the 39-year-old Leader got up as usual. He enjoyed a game of shuttle badminton with Sunil Reddy, another inmate of the prison.
Incidentally Sunil Reddy was arrested by the CBI in the EMAAR case which is also targeted to Jagan. Sunil Reddy is supposed to be the man-Friday of Jagan, by critics. After the game the leader is supposed to have done some yoga postures too.
Jagan gets his news updates by newspapers mainly. As his room is equipped with a television which only relays Doordarshan channels only. (With Inputs from Internet- Aarkay)