The Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy seemed to have irked his colleagues by the cabinet reshuffle. Dissidence seems to be in the offing and the initial signs are that the former Health Minister Dr D L Ravindra Reddy is dissatisfied with the move. He had been stripped of a part of his portfolio, in the recent shuffle.
Mr Reddy has vented his anger towards the move and is today reaching the capital from Kadapa. On reaching Hyderabad he shall be meeting the PCC Chief Botsa Satyanarayana and discuss with him regarding the developments. After the meeting at 10 am, the Minister will be announcing his next plan of action. Political critics speculate that he might resign from the Ministerial responsibility, in a way to show his dissent. Dr. Ravindra Reddy retains the Health & Family Welfare, as per the CM’s move. Mr Reddy seems to have been perturbed with the high command.
This move could have wide repercussions for the present ruling party feel political critics. But the CM, who is undeterred in his action plan, persuaded the high command for the present re-shuffle. (AarKay)