The TDP MLC Dhadi Veerabhadra Rao slammed the Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy of 'being an aide' to the YSR Congress Chief Y S Jaganmohan Reddy. He added that the two must 'have teamed up' in the alleged corruption cases. Giving air to his arguments the senior leader said that as the CBI was taking up criminal proceeding on the Kadapa MP, why the state government is not moving civil proceedings against him. This proves the nexus.
While addressing a press meet in Hyderabad, today Mr Dhadi said that 'while CBI was putting strenuous efforts to unearth the dealings of the YSRC leader, why the state government is not cancelling the sanctions on controversial issues.’ Based on these points he said it was 'quite evident that the delay is due to the nexus between the two.'
Reacting to the arrest of the Excise Minister Mopidevi Venkataramana, the infuriated TDP leader said 'those ministers and leaders of Congress who supported the incarcerated Minister are influencing the CBI'.
It may be noted CBI inquiry into Jagan's business empire and the source of its funds was ordered by the Andhra Pradesh High Court in August 2011. CBI alleges that when the late YSR was in office, he had abused his power and conspired with the ministers to influence entrepreneurs to invest in his son’s companies for favors from the government. Since the last two days CBI had been quizzing Mr Jagan. (With Inputs from Internet- Aarkay)