The chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, Kiran Kumar Reddy has expressed his solidarity to the kin and kith of the deceased in Shirdi bus accident. The CM, who was reportedly astonished over the accident, has swiftly ordered the chief secretary Pankaj Dwivedi to talk to the Maharashtra Government and take necessary steps to provide better medical facilites to the injured in Shirdi bus accident.
The chief minister has also given instructions to set up possible helplines to ensure information is given to the relatives of the passengers who boarded the bus. It may be noted that at least 34 passengers travelling on volvo bus of Kaleshwari travels, which was heading to Shirdi, were killed when the bus slipped off a bridge near Sholapur and plunged into a valley.
The remaining sixteen persons, who were grieviously injured were shifted to a private hospital in Sholapur. The reasons behind the accident are yet to be ascertained. Experts, however, opined that strict rules must be passed to ensure private buses don't cross 30-kilometre speed when they move on bridges and valleys.
(AW Phani)