Lok Satta party chief Jaya Prakash Narayana, who has bid-adieu to the most prestigeous IAS career to clean the politics in Andhra Pradesh, has expressed his displeasure over the statements made by the minister TG Venkatesh on IAS officials. Jaya Prakash has said that the alleged remarks by TG Venkatesh projects the status of degrading politics. It may be noted that TG Venkatesh, who was known for making controversial statements, took on the bureaucrats this time. He recently said that all government officials who shouldn't work should be shot to dead. Reacting on these statements, which are unparliamentary and incites people for violence, Jaya Prakash Narayana has said that it was improper for a person, in the ministerial status, to make such henious statements.
Meanwhile, IAS association has also condemned the statements made by the minister. The association said that the loose talk of mob justice by the minister lowered the dignity of his office, demoralized the bureaucracy and brought down the image of the Government. The association has also said that the remarks of the minister had the potential to create law and order problem in the state.
The sources said that Congress high command took note of these remarks and it is most likely to ask minister TG Venkatesh to resign to his ministry in order to avoid the wrath of the officials and the public.
(AW Phani)