The Andhra Pradesh High Court has accepted the bail petition of IAS official, Sri Lakshmi, who has been lodged at Chanchalguda jail as under trail prisoner in connection with controversial government order, which sanctioned mining lease to controversial Obulapuram Mining Company (OMC). When OMC allegedly tampered the border line of Andhra Pradesh-Karnataka, which made Supreme Court order CBI probe into the issue.
The Central Bureau of Investigation, which plunged into the action, has found that the IAS official Sri Lakshmi gave the lands on AP border to OMC on lease for digging iron ore. She was subsequently taken into the custody.
Notably, Sri Lakshmi earlier applied for bail in Nampally but to no avail. And she has applied for bail petition in the High Court. The court, which accepted the petition of Sri Lakshmi, has deferred the case to August 13.
(AW Phani)