CBI probing the disproportionate assets case had a hectic parleys at the Supreme Court on Thursday. First of all the Kadapa MP Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy's plea for illegal arrest came for hearing and then the alleged king pin in the case V Vijay Sai Reddy's issue was also in the court for the day. This was in regards to the bail issued to Mr Reddy by the Andhra Pradesh Court. The CBI argued that when the investigations was on, letting Mr Reddy out would give him a chance to tamper evidence in the case.
In the meantime the apex court issued notices to Mr Reddy over the revoking of bail plea filed by the CBI. The apex court had given two weeks time for Mr Reddy to reply to the notice.
Mr Reddy, the second accused in the disproportionate assets case of YSR Congress president Jaganmohan Reddy, was earlier granted conditional bail. Mr Reddy, 55, is financial advisor to the various Jagan companies including Jagathi Publications (the publishers of Sakshi newspaper) and Indra TV (the company that runs Sakshi TV). Mr Reddy was mooted to be nominated as honorary consul of Georgia, a move that would have given him diplomatic immunity from arrest. However CBI closed in on him, but Mr Reddy had the last laugh, say sources, while being a tough nut to crack. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)