The Jagathi Publications Vice Chairman Vijay Sai Reddy accused in the disproportionate assets case has urged the special CBI court in Nampally on Wednesday, to grant him permission to go on pilgrimage. Listed as accused number two in the case by CBI, Mr Reddy was considered as the king pin and the main man behind the entire case.
CBI took him into custody; however the court granted him bail on a condition `not to leave the city.’ Hence Mr Reddy today in Hyderabad filed a petition in the court in this regards. As per the petition, Mr Reddy urged that he needs to go to Tirupati and Shirdi and needed a six-day permission to leave the city.
However for the second day Mr Reddy had attended the CBI questioning at the head quarters in the same case. Dwarampudi MLA Chandrasekhar Reddy also attended the CBI office in the same case. CBI has already gained custody of Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy and is grilling the young leader the last three days. On the fourth day today, also the CBI will be grilling him as per the court verdict. (With Inputs from Internet- Aarkay)