The Andhra Pradesh High Court today exclaimed that Sakshi Media was 'hoodwinking and flouting the earlier orders' of the court. As per the issue 19 accounts of the company owned by Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy in SBI were frozen by the court. But it was noted that 19 new accounts were opened in Canara Bank and the operations were carried on. In a phenomenal statement the judge asked the CBI to all banks not to open any new accounts or to operate any existing accounts other than those covered by the orders of the court. The court also strictly warned the Sakshi Media to inform about all accounts before opening. High Court judge Justice B. Chandra Kumar pointed out that the court had given categorical directions that all revenues and collections should be made through current accounts only, but the new development showed discrepancies.
The court expressed that 'It is most unfortunate that this court was not informed that 19 other current accounts were being maintained by the petitioners in various locations. It is also unfortunate that even after passing orders on May 23, the petitioners never approached the court to intimate about the said accounts. When the CBI had frozen the 19 accounts with SBI, only then did they approach this court. Now it is shocking to note that the petitioners have opened 19 accounts with Canara Bank and have been transacting with them. It is nothing but a clear violation of the earlier orders passed on May 23 and July 6.'
In a move that was likely to paralyze the operations of Sakshi newspaper and Sakshi television, the CBI in May had got the authorities of State Bank of India and Oriental Bank of Commerce to freeze the accounts belonging to these companies, as a part of its probe into the assets case it is probing. The accounts that were frozen were those of Jagati Publications, publishers of Sakshi newspaper, Indira Television, which airs Sakshi TV news channel, and Janani Infrastructure Pvt Ltd, which provides logistics and infrastructure to Sakshi newspaper and TV. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)