Many Ministers met the Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy over the issues that put them as accused before the public. The group of Minsters that met the CM wanted him to spell out his stands on them to save their face values. They said that for the decisions taken by the entire lot only few were facing the brunt and termed as 'tainted ministers'. They wanted the CM to give an immediate statement over the issue, before the public reacting.
The group of ministers approached the CM on the sidelines of the CBI naming the Minister for roads and buildings, Dharmana Prasad being listed by the CBI as accused number four in the fifth chargesheet pertaining to the disproportionate assets case of the YSR Congress Chief Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy.
On the other hand the Ministers who were in the city did not meet the CM with the group. They were Deputy Chief Minister Damodhar Raja Narasimha and Minister Raghuveera Reddy. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)