The Anti Corruption Bureau officials have raided on the offices of the sub-registrar in Shamshabad of Rangareddy district on Thursday. In the raids, senior assistant Surayya was caught red handed while taking bribe. On the other hand, sub-registrar Narender Reddy ran away after he saw ACB officials. The officials have told that cases were filed against the employees who accepted the bribe. Even after knowing that accepting bribe is against the law, it's unfortunate that some government officials are indulging in such activities. The recent ACB attacks including today's episode clearly show that how certain government officials became addicted to taking money for getting the things done.
While the entire country is fighting corruption with Anna Hazare in the lead, it's a matter of shame that corruption is still prevailing in the country, said observers. The country would witness development only when everyone abides by the law. Giving or accepting bribe is crime. Please put an end to corruption.
(AW Phani)