The University of Hyderabad brought in new security measures after the kidnap attempt, which took place on Thursday night. The new measures include
• increased security
• more outposts on the university campus
• extra street lights would be set up
• twenty four hours security helpline would be made available wherein students can call up the security when untoward incidents take place
• the contact details of the security personnel would be made available at the university website
Kidnap attempt:
A white Maruti Zen bearing registration number AP7Q 6222 entered the university campus after 9.30 pm on Thursday. As per the norms, the car was stopped at the security post. The car was permitted to enter the campus after one of the persons (named Chakrapani) in the car-the current M Tech student-showed the identity car. Along with him were four of his friends.
The car stopped near social sciences' building and the five persons in the car tried to pull an MCA student in to the car, who was on her way to the hostel. The girl, however, resisted and raised alarm. Ever another friend, who was with the victim cried louder, which made the near by students and security rush to the spot. Three persons were caught and handed over to the police while two fled the scene.
The students of the University of Hyderabad are particularly worried about the security on the campus. In order to ensure that such incidents don't repeat, the university officials have look into the security measures.
(AW Phani)