The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) officials have allegedly showed their high-handedness in Kothapet area of Hyderabad. The officials, who wanted to clear the footpaths, have presumably picked up arguments with the vendors. Having lost their patience, they allegedly tried to push off the mobile tiffin centre (cart) harming a woman. In the process of removing with force, hot oil was splashed on the owner wife's body and she was seriously injured.
Meanwhile, the owner of this tiffin cart, approached Saroornagar police station and filed case against GHMC officials alleging that GHMC officials splashed hot oil on his wife's body. The sources said the facts would be ascertained once the investigation is completed. They, however, confirmed that officials behaved highhandedly. The sources said that the officials would have given them a final warning and sometime instead of behaving this way and harming a woman.
(AW Phani)