Nara Chandrababu Naidu's Padayatra, Vastunna Mee Kosam projects the Telugu Desam Party Supremo as a savior of the masses, by his party cadre. They go on to say that the leader is not after power but he is on a mission to enlighten people of the discrepancies of the ruling party. However critics feel that by doing so, the leader is sure to garner people's trust.
A novel but strong initiative from the think tank of the party. On his first leg of the journey that was flagged off on Gandhi Jayanti Day, the leaders proceeds to walk for the seventh consecutive day. Stats reveal that the leaders is traveling almost 21 kms per day by walk. Horrendous task by the veteran who is almost over sixty years of age.
After a brief rest last night at the Mundukurla Junction in Anantapur District, the leader is to proceed from the Kambaduru mandalam at around 10.30 am, after a breakfast meeting. The walkathon shall end at 7pm at Yearrampalli cross (junction). Tonight he shall rest here and proceed tomorrow. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)