Nara Chandrababu Naidu's Padayatra, Vastunna Mee Kosam in Anantapur district reaches ninth day. The 61 year old veteran politician, who heads the Telugu Desam party, is relentlessly walking for more than twenty kilo meters a day, since Gandhi Jayanti. On his first leg of the massive walk, Mr Babu is scheduled to cover the entire Anantapur District.
On his ninth day, the TDP leaders shall proceed from Virupa Palli in Belugappa Mandal of the district after a brief night rest. From here he would walk till Sirpi village and address the public over the various issues that trouble them. Mr Babu shall end up at Hanakanahal village in Kanekal Mandal at 8pm and address a meeting before retiring to his bus quarters.
It may be noted that earlier critics expressed that Mr Babu lost the 'Midas Touch' and his Vastunna Mee Kosam, must do the needful change in building up the lost image. And it has indeed done miracles in revamping the party's image in the public. The walkathon started with meek participation, but the relentless efforts by the senior leader made ways for increasing crowds. And on the eighth day at Kalyanadurgam, the crowds were awesome. Large number of activists welcomed the 'savior of masses.' (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)