The Telugu Desam Party Supremo N Chandrababu Naidu received a roaring welcome while on his ninth day walkathon, Vastunna Mee Kosam on Wednesday. Every village the leader visited, wore a festive look and geared up to celebrate the visit. In fact enroute the villages were flooded with TDP sympathizers which could as well be translated into quality support. This could be sending danger signals to Delhi as well.
The TDP leader started from Virupa Palli in Belugappa Mandal and proceeded to Sirpi village, on Wednesday. Through out the day Mr Babu addressed tumultuous public over the various issues that troubled them. The day's walk ended at Hanakanahal village in Kanekal Mandal after he addressed a meeting before retiring to his bus quarters.
The TDP Supremo has successfully accomplished his desired results in the first leg of his journey. And what ever comes later is bonus and critics feel that will be abundant. Wishesh brings out the a photo feature of this mammoth event that has made the skeptics miss a heart beat.
(With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)