TDP MP Nama Nageshwara Rao has lashed out the central ministers from Andhra Pradesh. He has said that despite having 11 ministers from state, farmers and victims of cyclone Neelam didn't get relief. He took on the centre for not looking into the problems being faced by people who lost everything due to cyclone. Nama made these statements during a protest he along with other TDP MP s staged in front of the parliament on multiple issues especially the entry of foreign direct investments in retail sector.
Nama Nageshwara Rao said ministers looked at them, smiled and went into the parliament, which was nothing but an insult to scores of farmers. Observers found fault with Nama Nageshwara Rao's statements. They said Chiranjeevi recently toured extensively in coastal parts of Andhra and distributed essential goods to the victims of cyclone Neelam. It looked like TDP's motto was to defame ministers, added observers.
(AW Phani)