TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu has written a letter to chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy on Friday evening. He has urged the CM to ensure that the project works of Chevella complete on a faster pace. Also, it was learned that Babu asked Kiran to get permission from the centre for the project by removing all obstacles. It may be noted that Chandrababu Naidu is currently on a padayatra-Vastunna Meekosam in Adilabad district.
Vastunna Meekosam:
Chandrababu Naidu, who resumed his padayatra from Madhol of Adilabad district, has said that Congress party was trying to corner Telugu Desam Party by not coming to a stand on Telangana. He has said that it was only possible by TDP to bring back the lost charm in the state. To make a point, Chandrababu said right from galli to Delhi, dacoit rule had been prevailing. Speaking on promises, Chandrababu vowed that all the educated would be provided employment the moment TDP comes to power in the state.