TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu, who has been touring Adilabad district as a part of his padayatra-Vastunna Meekosam-has lashed out at the Congress party at the state and centre. He has said that Congress had been pushing farmers into vacuum. Babu, who resumed his yatra from Temberny of Dilawarpur mandal, has inspect the crop lands as he passed by. He has met farmers and gave moral support to them. He told farmers that he would be with them in their tough times. Also, he assured TDP would ensure that farming sector would yield benefits. Expressing his anguish, Babu said farmers were running hither and dither for subsidized pesticides.
TDP MP s refraining from FDI voting in RS:
Chandrababu has said that MP s absence during FDI voting had disturbed him. He has said that Devender Goud informed him well in advance that he was not going to attend FDI meeting due to ill-health. The remaining two gave apology letters, said Babu. To make a point Chandrababu said while he had been taking so many pains and taking out padayatra, it was unfortunate that responsible MP s stayed away from voting.
Chandrababu's Vastunna Meekosam padayatra was started on October 2 at Hindupur of Anantapur district. Since then his padayatra has been underway. During these two months, he toured Anantapur, Kurnool, Rangareddy, Medak districts and finally entered Adilabad district.
(AW Phani)